Easy Money is a comedy-drama television series that aired on The CW from October 5, 2008 to August 16, 2009. The series was created by Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider. The show—along with Valentine, Surviving Suburbia, and In Harm’s Way—are shows programmed by Media Rights Capital (MRC), an independent producer of television programming. The Sunday night block (5pm–10pm) was sold to the producers on a leased-time basis from The CW after the network had no ratings success with the night.
Production of the series was put on hold in mid-October and was expected to resume within four to six weeks. Two weeks later, MRC decided to cancel both Easy Money and Valentine. On November 20, 2008, The CW announced that it was ending its Sunday Night agreement with MRC, removing the current shows and programming the night itself. On July 6, 2009, The CW announced that beginning July 26, the series would begin burning off the remaining episodes Sundays at 7 p.m.
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Easy Money may refer to:
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Easy Money was a board game introduced by Milton Bradley Company in 1935. The game is based on The Landlord’s Game (as is Monopoly) in the movement of pieces around the board, the use of cards, properties that can be purchased, and houses that can be erected on them.
How to SELL Your Webinar
You hold a webinar to sell your big ticket item and…
…No one shows up.
It’s every webinar host’s nightmare.
Webinars can be hugely lucrative, IF you get people onto the call. And not just any people, either. You want hot prospects who are eager to hear what you have to say and buy the product you promote at the end.
But let’s face it – while webinars were an easy ticket to sales a decade ago, now people are burnt out on them.
“Another webinar? Yawn.”
Here’s how to get people to not only show up to your webinar, but look forward to it like a kid at Christmas, counting down the days and minutes until your webinar starts and they can soak up every juicy word.
Bold Promise with Proof
Make them a promise they cannot overlook – one that gets their blood flowing and their interest piqued. And then back that promise with proof that it’s already happening.
For example, “The exact strategy I used to make $41,000 in the last month.” Shoot a 30 second video of yourself logging into your accounts and scrolling through your sales.
Another example, “The exact diet that my 10 ‘testers’ and myself used to lose a total of 412 pounds in 31 days.” Before and after still shots are good, before and after video clips spliced into a quick 60 second video are better.
Offer them a Bribe Just for Attending
The better the bribe, the more effective it will be.
For example, “10 Strategies to make an extra $1,000 a month on autopilot.”
Of course, the product you’re selling on the webinar will offer a great deal more potential than just $1,000 a month.
A Webinar to Sell the Webinar
Okay, it’s not really a webinar, but it sure sounds like one. You make a recording in which you enthusiastically greet your potential webinar attendees and get them worked up and super excited to learn what you’ll be presenting to them.
Let them know they’re getting a ton of great information, regardless of whether or not they take the ‘advanced’ option or not.
Once you’ve got them raring to go, you direct them to sign up for the webinar.
Bullet Points
Once webinar attendees have signed up, send them a list of bullet points of all the great information they’re going to learn on the call.
Emphasize there will be a ton of great info given out during the call, enough to get them started, regardless of whether or not they take the option at the end.
If your webinar service is equipped to send out SMS messages, by all means do so. Reminding your sign-ups that the webinar is happening soon can make a tremendous difference in how many show up for the call.
Put as much effort into selling your webinar as you do your product, and you can double the attendees and sales.
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A traffic camera is a video camera which observes vehicular traffic on a road. Typically, these are put along major roads such as highways, freeways, motorways, autoroutes and expressways, as well as arterial roads, and are connected with optical fibers buried alongside or even under the road, with electrical power either provided by mains power in urban areas, or via solar panels or another alternate power source which provides consistent imagery without the threat of a power outage during inclement conditions.
A monitoring center receives the live video in real time, and serves as a dispatcher if there is a traffic collision or some other disruptive incident or road safety issue.
Traffic cameras are a major part of most intelligent transportation systems. They are especially valuable in tunnels, where safety equipment can be activated remotely based upon information provided by the cameras and other sensors. On surface roads, they are typically mounted on high poles or masts, sometimes along with street lights. On arterial roads, they are often mounted on traffic light poles at intersections, where problems are most likely to occur. In remote areas without easy reach of the main electrical grid, they are usually powered by another means such as solar power, which also provides a backup source to urban camera infrastructure.
Traffic cameras are distinct from road safety cameras, which are put in specific places to enforce rules of the road. Those cameras take still photos in a much higher image resolution upon a trigger, whereas traffic cameras are simply for observation and constantly take lower-resolution video, often in full motion, though they are remotely controllable in order to focus on an ongoing traffic incident farther along a road that may not be in the camera’s usual field of view or even along a frontage road or other roadway within its field of vision. Many transmit in the legacy analog NTSC and PAL formats, depending on location, though many are being converted to high definition video as equipment is replaced. Some have a compass built in which displays the cardinal direction at which the camera is aimed, though many providers also provide a reference image of a shot with the cardinal direction.
Many transportation departments have linked their camera networks to the Internet on online websites, thus making them webcams which allow commuters to view current traffic conditions. They may show either streaming video or still imagery which refreshes at a set interval of seconds or minutes, helping travelers determine whether an alternate route should be taken. In the United States and Canada, these often are displayed on state or municipally-run 5-1-1 websites (511 being a telephone number designed to relay current traffic information). These traffic images are also combined with road sensors which measure traffic timing to provide a full picture of traffic conditions.
Many states and provinces consider this information public domain, thus many television stations air live traffic camera imagery during their own traffic reports on their local news broadcasts, or simply as an augmenting moving visual background during newscasts. Some cable TV systems provide these pictures full-time on a governmental access channel, and some broadcast stations set aside a full digital subchannel solely for traffic information and camera imagery, such as Philadelphia’s WPHL-DT4 in the past and WMVT-DT3 in Milwaukee and WFMZ-DT2 in Allentown, Pennsylvania currently. However, in some cases for toll roads and other private road authorities, such as the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, these images are claimed to be the property of the toll agency (or private company which runs a toll road), and the images are held under an exclusivity agreement for one station (in the ISTHA’s case, they only air on WMAQ-TV).
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Easy Money II: Hard to Kill (Swedish: Snabba Cash II) is a Swedish thriller film directed by Babak Najafi that was released on 17 August 2012. The film is a sequel to the 2010 film Easy Money, and is based on Jens Lapidus’ books Easy Money and Aldrig fucka upp. It’s the second part in a trilogy, and is followed by Easy Money III: Life Deluxe (2013). The screenplay is written by Peter Birro and Maria Karlsson.
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VicRoads or the Roads Corporation of Victoria is a statutory corporation which is the road and traffic authority in the state of Victoria, Australia. It is responsible for maintenance and construction of the arterial road network, as well as driver licensing and vehicle registration. VicRoads has broad responsibility for road safety policy and research. It is also responsible for regulating the accident towing industry in Victoria.
The main VicRoads administration is located in the Melbourne suburb of Kew, on the site of the former Kew Railway Station, with other metropolitan offices in the Melbourne CBD, Burwood and Sunshine. Regional offices and Project offices are located in Geelong, Traralgon, Benalla, Bendigo and Ballarat, among others. In addition VicRoads operates many offices servicing the public in registration and licensing throughout metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.
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The world’s busiest airports by traveler traffic are assessed by total people (data from Airports Council International), thought as people enplaned plus individuals deplaned plus direct-transit travellers. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta AIRPORT TERMINAL has been the world’s busiest air port yearly since 2000; with all airports put together London gets the world’s busiest city international airport system by traveler count. By 2017, seven countries have at least two airports in the most notable 50; america of America has 15, Greater China has 10, and the uk, Japan, Germany, India and Spain have two airports each.
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India’s busiest airports is the list of top fifty busiest airports of over hundred commercially operational airports in the country. Data also includes statistics for total aircraft movements and total cargo movements. The tables below contain annual data published by the Airports Authority of India on the busiest airports in India by total passenger traffic, aircraft movements and cargo handled.
The lists are presented in chronological order starting from the latest ended fiscal year. The number of total passengers for an airport is measured in persons and includes any passenger that arrives at, departs from or is on a transit from that airport. The number of total aircraft movements is measured in airplane-times and includes all the takeoffs and landings of all kinds of aircraft in scheduled or charter conditions. The total cargo handled is expressed in metric tonnes and includes all the freight and mail that arrives at or departs from the airport.
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The Highways & Traffic Expert (RTA) is a ex – Australian government firm in New South Wales that was in charge of major highway infrastructure, licensing of motorists, and subscription of automobiles. The RTA straight managed State highways and provided financing to local councils for local and local streets. Furthermore, with the help of the government, the RTA also recently monitored the NSW countrywide highway system. The company was abolished in 2011 and substituted by NSW Highways and Maritime Services.