Easy Money is a comedy-drama television series that aired on The CW from October 5, 2008 to August 16, 2009. The series was created by Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider. The show—along with Valentine, Surviving Suburbia, and In Harm’s Way—are shows programmed by Media Rights Capital (MRC), an independent producer of television programming. The Sunday night block (5pm–10pm) was sold to the producers on a leased-time basis from The CW after the network had no ratings success with the night.
Production of the series was put on hold in mid-October and was expected to resume within four to six weeks. Two weeks later, MRC decided to cancel both Easy Money and Valentine. On November 20, 2008, The CW announced that it was ending its Sunday Night agreement with MRC, removing the current shows and programming the night itself. On July 6, 2009, The CW announced that beginning July 26, the series would begin burning off the remaining episodes Sundays at 7 p.m.
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Tomas Tammemets, known by his stage name of Tommy Cash (styled as TOMM¥ €A$H) is an Estonian rapper and conceptual artist.
Forget Multitasking and Start Doing One Thing Really Well
Yes, you can sing while taking a shower, and you can listen to music while walking and planning your day. But when it comes to the really important stuff, forget multitasking because it’s costing you time and money.
Let’s say you’re answering emails while talking on the phone. A great example of multitasking, right? Wrong.
In this case you’re not doing two things at once – rather, you’re alternating your attention between the two tasks. You can’t listen to the person on the phone while you’re forming your email response. And you can’t formulate your thoughts to speak back to the person on the phone while you’re reading the next email.
So what you end up doing is a little bit of task A, then a little bit of task B, and back and forth. And neither task is done well. The person on the phone can tell you’re not listening, and the email response you write misses the mark.
This goes for any task that you can’t put on autopilot. You can shower, walk, run, drive, make coffee and many other tasks without thinking about them because they’re routine and you’ve performed them many times before. But when you’re doing anything that takes real thinking, it’s best to focus just on that task and nothing else.
And avoid distractions. Checking your email, answering the phone and even getting up to get a cup of coffee can take you off track. You lose momentum and you have to backtrack to see where you left off. A recent study of office employees demonstrated that when their work was interrupted, it took them 25 minutes on average to get back into it.
Anything that requires engaged thinking – writing, reading, speaking, etc., is not something you should try to juggle because it will actually cost you MORE time and provide less than stellar results.
So even if you have to lock yourself in a room, disable your email and turn off your cell phone to keep from getting distracted, I suggest you do it. You can answer those emails and return those phone calls later when your work is completed.
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An e-commerce payment system facilitates the acceptance of electronic payment for online transactions. Also known as a sample of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-commerce payment systems have become increasingly popular due to the widespread use of the internet-based shopping and banking.
Over the years, credit cards have become one of the most common forms of payment for e-commerce transactions. In North America almost 90% of online retail transactions were made with this payment type. Turban et al. goes on to explain that it would be difficult for an online retailer to operate without supporting credit and debit cards due to their widespread use. Increased security measures include use of the card verification number (CVN) which detects fraud by comparing the verification number printed on the signature strip on the back of the card with the information on file with the cardholder’s issuing bank. Also online merchants have to comply with stringent rules stipulated by the credit and debit card issuers (Visa and MasterCard) this means that merchants must have security protocol and procedures in place to ensure transactions are more secure. This can also include having a certificate from an authorized certification authority (CA) who provides PKI (Public-Key infrastructure) for securing credit and debit card transactions.
Despite widespread use in North America, there are still a large number of countries such as China and India that have some problems to overcome in regard to credit card security. In the meantime, the use of smartcards has become extremely popular. A smartcard is similar to a credit card; however it contains an embedded 8-bit microprocessor and uses electronic cash which transfers from the consumers’ card to the sellers’ device. A popular smartcard initiative is the VISA Smartcard. Using the VISA smartcard you can transfer electronic cash to your card from your bank account, and you can then use your card at various retailers and on the internet.
There are companies that enable financial transactions to take place over the internet, such as PayPal. Many of the mediaries permit consumers to establish an account quickly, and to transfer funds into their on-line accounts from a traditional bank account (typically via ACH transactions), and vice versa, after verification of the consumer’s identity and authority to access such bank accounts. Also, the larger mediaries further allow transactions to and from credit card accounts, although such credit card transactions are usually assessed a fee (either to the recipient or the sender) to recoup the transaction fees charged to the mediary.
The speed and simplicity with which cyber-mediary accounts can be established and used have contributed to their widespread use, although the risk of abuse, theft and other problems—with disgruntled users frequently accusing the mediaries themselves of wrongful behavior is associated with them.
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Easy Money may make reference to:
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Camel is an American brand of cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company in the United States and by Japan Tobacco outside of the United States.Most current Camel cigarettes contain a blend of Turkish tobacco and Virginia tobacco. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the city where R.J. Reynolds was founded, is nicknamed “Camel City” because of the brand’s popularity.
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Charles Joel Nordström Kinnaman (born 25 November 1979) is a Swedish-American actor, best known in Sweden for playing the lead role in the Swedish film Easy Money, a role that earned him a Guldbagge Award in the “Best Actor” category, and also for his roles as Frank Wagner in the Johan Falk film series and Governor Will Conway in the U.S. version of House of Cards. He starred as detective Stephen Holder on AMC’s The Killing, and played Alex Murphy in the 2014 RoboCop remake, and Rick Flag in the film adaptation of Suicide Squad (2016), based on the DC Comics anti-hero team of the same title. He stars in the lead role of Takeshi Kovacs and Elias Ryker in the Netflix science fiction series Altered Carbon.
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Skimlinks is a content monetisation platform for online publishers (including editorial sites, forums, bloggers, social networks, and app developers) that specialises in in-text, contextual advertising.
The company was launched in London in 2007 by Australian co-founders Alicia Navarro and Joe Stepniewski. It has over 80 employees, and has raised $24 million in funding as of August 2013. It has offices in London and New York City.
On October 17, 2013, Skimlinks was announced as a member of Tech City UK’s Future Fifty Programme, a government programme that supports fast-growing companies with the aim of potentially floating in the London Stock Exchange. In 2014, Skimlinks drove $625 million in sales for over 20,000 vendors.
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An easy money policy is a monetary policy that increases the money supply usually by lowering interest rates. It occurs when a country’s central bank decides to allow new cash flows into the banking system. Since interest rates are lower, it is easier for banks and lenders to loan money, thus leading to increased economic growth.
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Money in the Bank (2018) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event and WWE Network event, produced by WWE for their Raw and SmackDown brands. It took place on June 17, 2018, at the Allstate Arena in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, Illinois. It was the ninth event under the Money in the Bank chronology.
The card comprised eleven matches, including one match on the pre-show. In the main event, Braun Strowman won the titular ladder match on the men’s side, while Alexa Bliss won the women’s ladder match. Bliss cashed in her contract later in the night to win the Raw Women’s Championship from Nia Jax after causing a disqualification in the previous title match between Ronda Rousey and Jax. On the undercard, AJ Styles retained the WWE Championship against Shinsuke Nakamura in a Last Man Standing match and Carmella retained the SmackDown Women’s Championship against Asuka with help from the returning James Ellsworth.