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Don’t Buy Until You’re Ready to APPLY

Don’t buy an Internet Marketing product unless you know you’re going to use at least one piece of information inside that product immediately.

Don't Buy Until You're Ready to APPLY

For example, you’re creating a forum and you see a product on how to get people really active inside your forum and you know you’ll use that product immediately, so you buy it. You’re making your money back on that product almost immediately.

But then you see a great looking product on how to do webinars, but you don’t do webinars and you have no immediate plans to do any in the future. Should you buy it? After all, you may use it down the road and you may make money from it, right? I think you already know the answer from your past experiences – don’t buy it.

All you have to do is look at your hard drive at all the products you’ve purchased in the past that you haven’t touched to know that unless you’re going to use the product immediately, odds are very good you will never use it.

Because what happens? A year from now you decide to do webinars. Great. The only thing is, you’ve totally forgotten that webinar product you bought a year ago. Or you remember it, spend a half hour searching for it, only to discover halfway into it that the info is outdated and you would have been better offer buying a new info product on webinars.

I call this just-in-time learning. You buy an info product “just in time” to learn from it and USE THAT INFO to further your business. You’ll be surprised how much money you’ll save this way, and how much more you’ll earn from the products you actually do purchase, because you APPLY what you learn from them to grow your business.

How to Make Big Money Online by Talking

Do you enjoy speaking and explaining things? Do you have a topic you’re knowledgeable about, even passionate about that others want to know more about?

How to Make Big Money Online by Talking

And do you know someone who can intelligently talk with you about that topic? Then you can make fantastic money by speaking. Here’s how…

First, choose your topic. Use the same criteria you would use for creating any kind of info product – are people willing to pay for this info? Next, find a partner, preferably someone just as knowledgeable about the topic as you, or someone who has complimentary information and knowledge to share.

Next, write an outline of what you will cover. Make sure the two of you agree on what will be covered and that you’re not leaving anything out. Now talk on the phone and record the conversations using your conferencing service of your choice. It might take you one or several calls to cover everything. Really more calls are better, since the product you’re creating will have a higher perceived value.

Now get transcripts of the calls made, and sell the entire package as one product. You can do this from start to finish, including transcripts and sales letter, in 7 to 10 days. Result? You’ll have a product you can sell for months and years to come. Split the profits with your partner, promote to both of your lists, place it on ClickBank, sell it through forums, etc. I know people who’ve cleared $50,000 to $100,000 on a product like this. Splitting the profits with your partner, you would walk away with $25,000 to $50,000. Not bad for spending a few hours on the phone.

The shortcut you probably don’t want to take: Yes, you can do this by yourself. Sure, you get to keep 100% of the profits after affiliate commissions. The problem? Your product will almost certainly not be half as good as it would be if you had a partner who knew as much about your topic as you do.

First, there is a synergy and energy that develops between two people having a conversation that you just don’t get talking to yourself. Second, your partner is bound to have information and stories you don’t have. Third, one person lecturing can be – let’s face it – boring. Fourth, a partner with their own list will double initial sales and help you to spread the word with affiliates, creating momentum from the first day you launch.

Can you make a recorded product by yourself? Absolutely, and some people have been very successful doing just that. But everything else being equal, you’re almost always better off partnering with someone else.

Tips for making the calls/recordings: Keep the energy high and the umms, errs and ahhs to an absolute minimum. Have fun, smile, laugh and joke when appropriate, and give great, timely, usable information that will truly make a difference for your listeners. You’re value is to quicken their learning curve so be sure to do this to the very best of your ability, and not only will you make money once, but some of these customers will be eager to buy future products you develop in the future as well!

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