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Bitcoin Classic is one of several forks of the Bitcoin reference implementation Bitcoin Core aiming to increase the transaction processing capacity of Bitcoin by increasing the block size limit. Blocks, which contain transaction data, form the basic structure of the immutable blockchain. Bitcoin Classic started out as similar to, though less aggressive than, the Bitcoin XT fork, which never managed to get the support it needed. Bitcoin Classic in its first 8 months promoted a single increase of the maximum block size from one megabyte to two megabytes. In November 2016 this changed and the project moved to a solution that moved the limit out of the software rules into the hands of the miners and nodes.
Bitcoin Classic is also an attempt to move the technical governance of this decentralized and independent Bitcoin project from the developers of the original Bitcoin to a voting process involving a larger community of miners, businesses, developers and users. There is no formal activation method for the software, but due to the nature of Bitcoin a supermajority needs to support it.

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