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SwiftCoin is a cryptocurrency using peer-to-peer, blockchain, proof-of-work and encrypted mail application developed by Team Daniel Bruno since 2011. It is a propriatory alternative to Bitcoin using similar blockchain technology.
It uses 256-SHA elliptical encryption. The name SwiftCoin derives from the SWIFT banking network, but is not associated with it. Unlike Bitcoin, SwiftCoins can not be mined. SwiftCoin is brought into existence upon the redemption of interest and principal of Solidus Bonds.
In theory, the value of a SwiftCoin is a function of the caloric energy required to produce a quantity of electricity. This functionality has been patented by Daniel Bruno, CMT. The price of SwiftCoin is set by supply and demand in the open market. Currency swaps support the currency. The amount of SwiftCoin in circulation is elastic. Dynamic money supply reduces volatility.
Both SwiftCoin and Solidus Bonds are proprietary, not open source. The blockchain ledger is not public. The SwiftCin cryptocurrency wallet shows proof-of-work confirmations in real time.

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