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btc wallet app

BTC-e was an electronic currency trading system and exchange. It had been founded in July 2011 and by February 2015 managed around 3% of most Bitcoin exchange quantity. Before 25th of July 2017, it allowed trading between your U. S. money, Russian ruble and euro currencies, and the bitcoin, litecoin, namecoin, novacoin, peercoin, dash and ethereum cryptocurrencies.
It’s been an element of the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index because the index were only available in September 2013.
BTC-e is controlled by ALWAYS EFFICIENT LLP, which is signed up in London and it is posted as having 2 officials: Sandra Gina Esparon and Evaline Sophie Joubert and two different people with significant control: Alexander Buyanov and Andrii Shvets.
THE UNITED STATES Justice Dept attemptedto close down BTC-e on the 26th of July 2017 when they recharged Alexander Vinnik and BTC-e in a 21-count number indictment for functioning an alleged international money laundering program and allegedly laundering cash from the hack of Mt. Gox.

see more at wikipedia

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