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How to Publish a 5 Star Kindle Book

This is so easy it’s kind of like cheating… but at the same time it’s totally white hat.

Let’s say you want to write a Kindle book.

How to Publish a 5 Star Kindle Book

And further, let’s say you want to make sure it gets 5 star reviews and makes you a very nice, juicy, residual income.

Here’s how you might do exactly that:

First, choose a BIG niche that sells really well.

When you’re talking about Kindle, you’re talking about VOLUME. After all, a $2-4 profit on a book means you’ve got to sell a lot of books to make real money.

Selling a lot of books means you need a big money-making niche – something like:

  • Food / cooking
  • Self-development
  • Relationships
  • Making money
  • Diet / weight loss
  • Health / fitness

You can’t go wrong with any one of these niches.

Now then, narrow your niche down to a specific topic. For example, you might narrow down “Diet and weight loss” to “How to lose belly fat after 40.”

Forget about reinventing the wheel – it takes too much time and it’s too risky. Instead, you’re going to improve the wheel.

Go to Amazon and search for all the belly fat and fat loss books, especially the ones tailored for people over 40.

You’re interested in anything in this sub-niche that is selling under the Kindle Bestseller rank of 20,000.

Why? Because if they’re under 20,000, then they’re likely selling about 10-15 books per day or more.

What – that doesn’t sound like a lot? Okay, let’s do some quick math:

If a book has a profit of $3 per sale, and is selling 15 copies per day, then that’s $45 per day.

Okay, I know that’s not going to make you rich, but think about this: At $45 per day, times 30 days, is $1,350 per month… Residual…

…As in, you publish the book once and get paid over and over again.

Increase the price or increase the sales and your profits go up.

Look, I can’t tell you how many copies you will sell, but if you do what I’m about to suggest, and you do it once a month, in a year you can have 12 residual revenue streams from 12 books.

Multiply 12 times $1,350 and see what that is per month.

Now do I have your interest?

Okay, back to your research…

You’re going to find these books in your sub-niche that are ranking under 20,000 and you’re going to read the reviews – especially the five star and one star reviews.

Make a list of everything people love about each book, and everything they hate.

For example, the list of things people love might be:

  • Great motivation, made me want to start losing the fat immediately
  • Liked the diet examples
  • Enjoyed the tips, especially the ones about exercise

And things people didn’t like might be:

  • Not enough sample exercises
  • Not enough resources – where are we supposed to find the things the author recommended?
  • Too many typos – should have edited it better.

Write down all of that.

Now then, you’re going to keep what the customers liked, and improve what they didn’t like.

NO PLAGIARIZING, by the way.

You’re going to write your own book – or outsource it – with specific instructions on what to include.

That’s right – you don’t even need to write it yourself. Just give your instructions on what to include and how to write it to an outsourcer and let them handle it for you.

Your book will contain everything people love about the other books, and everything improved about what they didn’t like about the other books.

Do this and there is no reason for people to give you negative reviews, which is important.

As you know, Amazon reviews are HUGELY important.

Your book will eventually get more sales than the books it is modeled on as you get more and more positive reviews.

Meaning your income should surpass that of your competitor’s books.

Now then, rinse and repeat for your next book, and the next, and…

WAIT! Two more things…

First: Your book cover must be so mesmerizing that it STOPS Amazon customers in their tracks.

Everyone is busy. They’re skimming. They’re in a hurry. And there are hundreds of books in your category.

If your cover doesn’t stand out, and I mean STAND OUT – then the battle is lost.

You can have the greatest book ever written, but if the cover stinks then you will get few sales.

Here’s what to do: Find a great Kindle cover designer on Fiverr. You might need to pay more than $5 – it’s worth it.

Ask them to make your title(s) BIG and BOLD.

Remember, on Kindle a lot of people are looking at titles on their smart phones. If the titles are small, they can’t read them.

Ask for high resolution graphics, because people associate higher resolution with higher quality.

Second Thing: Get some reviews. REAL reviews.

Some people might tell you to get fake reviews from Fiverr or review exchange groups, but don’t do it.

Amazon is smart and they are cracking down on these sorts of things.

Instead, ask your friends, family, acquaintances and so forth for real, legitimate reviews.

Also, place an email opt-in page with a nice freebie at the beginning and end of your book. This will build you an email list of readers.

ASK your readers (politely) for reviews.

What about Promotion?

Good question. Here’s how to do a killer promotion that gets your book ranking high on Kindle:

So far you’ve got a great book, a captivating cover, genuine reviews – you’re already ahead of 98% of the other books on Kindle.

The only thing left for you to do is shoot your rankings up on Amazon.

Here’s what you do…

Enroll in KDP Select

Promote your book on as many promotion sites as you can find. There are all kinds of Facebook groups dedicated to free Kindle books.

Set your book on a free promotion through KDP Select.

Your goal is to get your book downloaded like crazy in spikes, because this is what catches Amazon’s attention and gets your book ranking higher.

Also, if you have a series of books (HINT HINT) then link all of your books together. As soon as one KDP Select promotion is over, set the second book on promotion and so forth. This will cross-promote your books and your sales should see a compound effect.

Continue the above, along with building your lists (remember you’re placing an offer to get on your list inside your books.) Whenever you publish a new book, let your list know. Let them download it for free during the KDP Select promotion, and ask them to leave reviews.

Rinse and repeat and repeat and repeat…

If you really want to scale this, you’ll hire someone to act as project manager and you’ll start publishing multiple books per week, outsourcing everything.

Yes, this is a six, or maybe seven figure business if you stick with it.

And you thought we were just going to talk about writing a single Kindle book…

…okay, if you only want to do ONE book for now, make it a great one and tie it in with something else you’re doing.

For example, if you’re a coach or consultant or provide services, let your book be your ambassador and show the world that YOU are the expert.

It makes for a much better and more effective business card than a little slip of paper with your name and phone number on it.

The sky’s the limit, so have fun and become a best-selling author THIS month before you put it off any longer.

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This is a list of for-profit companies with notable commercial activities related to bitcoins and Cryptocurrency. Common services are wallet providers, bitcoin exchanges, payment service providers and venture capital. Other services include mining pools, cloud mining, peer-to-peer lending, exchange-traded funds, over-the-counter trading, gambling, micropayments, affiliates and prediction markets.

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The bitcoin scalability problem is a consequence of the fact that blocks in the blockchain are limited to one megabyte in size. Blocks larger than one megabyte are automatically rejected by the network as invalid. Bitcoin blocks carry the transactions on the bitcoin network since the last block has been created. This allows for around three transactions per second maximum capacity rate.
The one-megabyte limit has created a bottleneck in bitcoin, resulting in increasing transaction fees and delayed processing of transactions that cannot be fit into a block. Various proposals have come forth on how to scale bitcoin and a contentious debate has resulted. Business Insider in 2017 characterized this debate as an “ideological battle over bitcoin’s future.”
On 21 July 2017 bitcoin miners locked-in a software upgrade referred to as Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 91, meaning that the controversial Segregated Witness upgrade will activate at block 477,120 with the associated block size increase to two megabytes occurring three months later in November.

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Dash (formerly known as Darkcoin and XCoin) is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that aims to be the most user-friendly and most on-chain-scalable cryptocurrency in the world. On top of Bitcoin’s feature set, it currently offers instant transactions (InstantSend), private transactions (PrivateSend) and operates a self-governing and self-funding model that enables the Dash network to pay individuals and businesses to perform work that adds value to the network. Dash’s decentralized governance and budgeting system makes it a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

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BTC is the primary telecommunications provider for the Bahamas, headquartered in Nassau, New Providence. It is partly government owned and offers telephone, internet and wireless services.
BTC is an acronym for the Bahamas Telecommunications Company and offers telephone, internet and wireless services. In New Providence and Grand Bahama, it operates a GSM based EDGE, HSPA, HSPA+ and LTE network. Dual-class shares are 49% economic shares/49% voting shares of BTC are owned by the Government of the Bahamas, with 49% economic shares/51% voting shares owned by Cable & Wireless Communications and 2% economic shares in a national trust.

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Bitcoin faucets are a reward system, in the form of a website or app, that dispenses rewards in the form of a satoshi, which is a hundredth of a millionth BTC, for visitors to claim in exchange for completing a captcha or task as described by the website. There are also faucets that dispense alternative cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin faucets were developed by Gavin Andresen in 2010.

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Bytecoin (BCN) is the first cryptocurrency based on the CryptoNote technology and launched in July 2012 with an open source code designed for anonymous cash settlement. BCN protects the user’s privacy with impassive and anonymous transactions.
This is a completely independent currency, developing separately from Bitcoin and its forks. The basis for the creation of Bytecoin was the unique CryptoNote technology.

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The Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) is a territorial council founded in Assam status of India in line with the Memorandum of Arrangement of 10 Feb 2003. BTC had become soon after surrender of Bodo Liberation Tigers Make (BLTF) cadres. The BLTF laid down their weaponry on 6 Dec 2003 under the control of Hagrama Mohilary and Hagrama was sworn in as the principle Professional Member (CEM) on 7 Dec 2003. The BTC has 46 exec members each caring for a specific section of control called somisthi. The region under the BTC jurisdiction is named the Bodoland Territorial Area Region (BTAD). BTC constitutes 35% of marginalised Tribal organizations like Bodos, Rabhas, Garos, etc. who are resistant to the hegemony of Assam federal. The region comes within the physical map of least developed region in India. The agro-based current economic climate is the sole way to obtain livelihood of folks. Industrialisation and other occupations are scant.
The BTAD is to contain four contiguous districts — Kokrajhar, Baksa, Udalguri and Chirang — carved out of seven existing districts — Kokrajhar, Bongaigaon, Barpeta, Nalbari, Kamrup, Darrang and Sonitpur — a location of 27,100 kilometres? (35% of Assam).Which the BTAD is established under the 6th program of the Constitution of India has been compared by some organizations. It might be noted that ratio of Bodo people in BTC area is significantly less than 30%.

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