Easy Money (Swedish: Snabba cash) is a Swedish thriller film aimed by Daniel Espinosa that premiered on 15 January 2010. It really is predicated on the 2006 book of the same name by Jens Lapidus. Joel Kinnaman celebrities in the lead role of Johan “JW” Westlund, a fairly poor man living a dual life in top of the class regions of Stockholm. After getting together with a wealthy lady, he’s enticed in to the world of prepared crime and commences to market cocaine to cover his expensive lifestyle. Easy Money was well received by critics and was popular at the field office.
Two sequels to the film have been filmed – the first (Snabba Cash II) premiered in 2012, as the third premiered in Swedish cinemas Oct 2013. Warner Bros. supports the rights to a American remake of Easy Money, which is defined to star Zac Efron.
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